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What is the Berry Amendment? Also called the Berry Act


What is the Berry Amendment? Also called the Berry Act.


What is the Berry Amendment? Also called the Berry Act.The Berry Amendment requires the department of defense to buy items that are manufactured in the United states of America. It is part of United States code, title 10 section 2533a

The code is fairly complex, however a certification is required from the manufacturer supplying material to DOD, therefore all companies in the supply chain must also certify that the product they supply is made in the USA. There is an ongoing debate in Congress to various items in the act.

The Berry Act should not be confused with the Buy American act. It is a separate and not directly related to the Berry Act.

Our certification can be found in the library under Technical Information or click here to view our certification. – John Bonforte, Sr.

What is recycled closed cell rubber & plastic foam?


What is recycled closed cell rubber & plastic foam?


recycled closed cell rubber & plastic foamRecycled rubber & plastic foam is a product made from waste pieces from the prime manufacturing process of closed cell sponge rubber and plastic foam. The off fall (scrap) materials from the prime manufacturing process are collected. They are put through a size reduction process to produce ground particles of a controlled size. These ground particles are put into a mixer with binder liquids, blended and put into a high pressure steel mold for forming. The cured recycled bun is then split (skived) in to specified thicknesses based on customer requirements.

Monmouth Rubber’s recycled sponge rubber and plastic foam is Bondaflex, it is supplied worldwide for a variety of applications where high density at an economical price is required. The Bondaflex process contributes every day to helping to save the planet. Monmouth Rubber recycles 98% of all materials produced and used at its manufacturing site in Long Branch NJ.

TECHNICAL REPORT:  Bondaflex Saves Over 27 Million Pounds Of The Earth’s Resources

PRODUCT REPORT: Bondaflex – controlled particle size composites of recycled cellulr rubber and plastics materials for economy, reliability, product innovation and the Planet Earth.

For further information click here. – John Bonforte, Sr.

What are Rubber Sheets?


What are rubber sheets?

What are Rubber Sheets?


The term rubber sheets covers a broad range of products. We will try to help refine what is actually required when a customer asks for “Rubber Sheets”

The following are some but not all details needed to decide what type of rubber sheet is actually required.

1 What polymer (rubber) is required. Such as neoprene, natural rubber, EPDM, nitrile, etc.

2 Is it cellular or solid?

3 If it is cellular, is it open cell or closed cell?

4 Is there a special size sheet as it relates to length and width.

5 What is the thickness?

6 Is there a specification, such as ASTM, etc?

7 What is the application? What do you want the rubber to do?

8 What is the color?

9 Are there any other details not mentioned above.

Rubber Sheets >

What is required to know when I need a price on “EVA foam” and EVA foam sheets”?


What is required to know when I need a price on “EVA foam” and EVA foam sheets”?


The terms “EVA foam” and EVA foam sheets” cover a broad range of productsThe terms “EVA foam” and EVA foam sheets” cover a broad range of products. We will try to help refine what is actually required when a customer asks for “EVA foam” and “EVA foam sheets.”

The following are some but not all details needed to decide what type of “EVA foam” and “EVA foam sheets”:

1. What is the density in pounds per cubic foot?

2. What is the compression deflection?

3. Do you have a competitor’s stock number or a sample we can analyze?

4. Is it cellular or solid?

5. If it is cellular, is it open cell or closed cell?

6. Is there a special size sheet as it relates to length and width?

7. What is the thickness?

8. Are there special tolerances?

9. Is there a specification, such as ASTM, etc.?

10. What is the application?

11. What do you want the EVA foam and EVA foam sheets to do?

12. What is the color?

13. Are there any other details not mentioned above?

Ask John anything about “EVA foam” and “EVA foam sheets.” Click here