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“SHELF LIFE OF RUBBER” Video released by Monmouth Rubber & Plastics

“SHELF LIFE OF RUBBER” by Monmouth Rubber & Plastics

The “Shelf Life of Rubber” is an informative video on the general shelf life properties of rubber. It is narrated by Rubber expert, John Bonforte Sr., GM & Tech Support Director at Monmouth Rubber and Plastics. “Don’t confuse shelf life with service life of rubber” – learn more, watch the video.

Video Transcript:

The Shelf Life of Rubber

By John Bonforte Sr.

  • Welcome to Monmouth Rubbers’ Ask John Technical Support
    What would you like to Ask John about today?
  • Jenna speaks “Hi John. Customers have been asking about the shelf life of rubber. They say everything they have read is way too complicated. Can you explain it in easy to understand terms?”
    Can you explain it in easy to understand terms?”
  • Shelf life is a rather broad term that can mean different things to different companies and/or people.
    We keep our customer out of trouble
    with proper technical informationThat is why we have
    “ASK JOHN”
  • There are published tables that list the recommended shelf life for various polymers. These tables are only a guide for the following reasons:
  • There are published tables that list the recommended shelf life for various polymers. These tables are only a guide for the following reasons:
  • The environmental conditions under which the specific compound is stored affects shelf life.
  • Some of these conditions are: temperature, humidity, source of light if any, oxygen and ozone exposure, deformation, contact with foreign materials during storage such as liquids, semi-solid materials, metal, and non-metal materials
  • NOTE: that shelf life relates only to the functional use of the compound over a period of time when properly stored. It does not relate to how the material may or may not perform in any specific application.
  • Keeping what we just learned in mind it is important not to confuse Shelf Life with Service Life
  • Shelf Life relates to storage only. It is separate and distinct from Service Life.
  • Storage conditions as detailed previously will affect not only the Shelf Life but also the Service Life of a specific rubber formulation.
  • Shelf Life relates to storage only. It is separate and distinct from Service Life.
  • Storage conditions as detailed previously will affect not only the Shelf Life but also the Service Life of a specific rubber formulation.
  • When properly stored, that is not exposed to the negative storage variables, the Shelf Life of Monmouth’s products are minimum of at least one year.
  • The Durafoam™ DK series, specifically DK1111, DK2121, DK3131, DK4141, and DK5151 have been stored at room temperature, out of direct light, for 15+ years with no visible degradation.
  • Physical property testing for density, compression deflection and color change show no statistically significant change as it relates to these 15 year old retains.
  • If you need further information and clarification as it relates to Shelf Life contact us with all the test parameters required so that we can give a more specific answer to your shelf life concerns.
  • To download this information you can do so by going to our website under the heading Technical Library and then Technical Information.
  • Joy of Rubber – can also be downloaded on our website in the Technical Library under General Sales Literature
  • Have a Technical Question?“Ask John”



Company Contact:
John Bonforte, Sr.
732-229-3444 x12
Monmouth Rubber & Plastics Corp.
75 Long Branch Avenue
Long Branch, N.J. 07740

Monmouth Monmouth Rubber & Plastics releases illustrated guide “ASTM D 1056 explained…

(Long Branch, NJ) “ASTM D 1056 explained” is a complete illustrated guide that explains the industry Standard Specification for flexible cellular materials—sponge or expanded rubber.  John M. Bonforte Sr., Technical Support and GM of Monmouth Rubber & Plastics stated, “We created the “ASTM D 1056 explained” to help OEMs, fabricators, gasket cutters and resellers to quickly understand ASTM D elastomeric materials specifications, physical properties and tests. The 1056 specification has been around for over 60 plus years with revisions every 5 plus years. This has left a trail of changes that need clarification to new and existing companies. Monmouth Rubber supplies explanations in a variety of ways to an endless list of questions related to the 60 plus years of changes to the specification. All is at no cost to its customers and potential customers.”

The American Society of Testing Materials prepared the ASTM D 1056 specifications to “cover flexible cellular rubber products known as sponge rubber and expanded rubber. The base material for an open/closed cellular product may be made of synthetic, reclaimed or natural rubber, or a mixture, and may contain other polymers or chemicals, or both, which may be modified by organic or inorganic additives”.

“ASTM D 1056 explained” by Monmouth Rubber & Plastics is a free download at their website

Monmouth Rubber & Plastics has been the number one choice around the world for rubber and plastic manufacturing, with a rich history of quality products and outstanding service.  “For 52 years, Monmouth Rubber & Plastics Corp. has been a leader in the innovation and technology of cellular polymeric materials. As a recognized leader and innovator of proprietary closed cell cross linking technology and polymer blend technology, Monmouth was retained to do product improvement by a variety of companies” said President and COO, John Bonforte Jr.


For more information about Monmouth Rubber and Plastics Corp., and free tech support, contact John Bonforte Sr. or 732-229-3444 x112.


Company Contact:
John Bonforte, Sr.
732-229-3444 x112
Monmouth Rubber & Plastics Corp.
75 Long Branch Avenue
Long Branch, N.J. 07740


Equivalent Replacements For American National Rubber (ANR) Stock Numbers

Monmouth Rubber & Plastics offers Closed Cell Sponge Rubber & Plastic Foam Stocks that are Equivalent Replacements For American National Rubber Stock Numbers

Durafoam™ closed cell sponge rubber and plastic foam has been supplied to gasket cutters, fabricators and resellers without interruption for over 40 years for use in such applications as foam tape, automotive gaskets, expansion joints, filler strips in concrete, shoe inner sole padding, and athletic and medical specialties.

Durafoam™ is manufactured in the form of buns, sheets, rolls, tape, and specialty laminations. All Durafoam™ products are 100% recyclable AND DO NOT CONTAIN ANY CFCs.

Click here for a chart of our equivalent replacements for ANR sponge rubber and plastic foam stock numbers.

The Monmouth Rubber & Plastics stock numbers, we believe, are comparable to the ANR (American National Rubber) stock numbers based on their published physical properties charts, as of December 1, 2008. When considering a competitive comparable material, please keep in mind that some materials have unique physicals that are not part of the recognized industry specifications and standards.

Free Rubber Samples Equivalent Replacements For American National Rubber Stock Numbers

Customer sample evaluation and approval of any substitution is suggested. MRPC will supply free of charge samples and testing of its materials to assist customers in their evaluation. For a Monmouth Rubber equivalent to an ANR stock you are using, please contact:


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