John Bonforte Sr. presented with Life Member of The International Association of Lions Clubs Award.
Dear Lion Bonforte:
On behalf of the International Board of Directors, I am delighted to welcome you as a Life Member of The
International Association of Lions Clubs. Congratulations on joining more than 55,000 Lions that have been approved
as Life Members worldwide!
Becoming a Life Member means that you have given many meaningful years of service to your club’s objectives and
humanitarian assistance in your community.
Lions make a difference in our communities and around the world and I am extremely grateful for your support.
Please accept my personal best wishes for many more years of successful service in Lionism.
I encourage you lo continue lo be a positive influence in your community and lo extend the membership growth of your
club by inviting prospective new members into your club.
Dr. Naresh Aggarwal
International President
Lions Clubs International